
Sometimes I wonder what my purpose is

I wonder indeed


is it to find myself or help people in need

but before I wonder and ponder deep

a notification takes away my attention

and I look at my phone to see what it has to say

and my musings are left for another day

-Niyati Parab

Daily Ruminations

While I walking to my class, observing the daily chaos, I noticed a bird at the bottom of a fence. The fence surrounded a playground and was covered with a green mesh windscreen. The bird hopped a little above the fence but still couldn’t fly over the fence and because of the green windscreen mesh it couldn’t even see what was ahead of it, it hopped yet again a little higher but still couldn’t fly over, then finally the bird flew all the way to the top of the fence and lo and behold, it finally flew over the fence.

We humans also face such similar situations in our life, we take flight to reach our goals but many times we are met with severe weather conditions where we lose our way and lose sight of our goals, in such times we must persevere, we must not lose hope however bleak the circumstances, we must keep flying and navigating with all our will till we reach our goals.

We must find a way to overcome the green windscreen in front of us and fly beyond the fence, all one has to do is believe in themselves.


-Niyati Parab


Midnight Mystery


Image result for girl reading a book by the fireplace painting

She sat huddled by the fireplace

Her favorite book clasped in her hand

The suspense of the novel was nearing

“The masked man kicked the door open -“

Boom! the lightning struck

The girl almost flung the book away, she hadn’t realized that it had started pouring

She chuckled nervously and looked around, she remembered closing all the windows and doors.

The clock started ringing, announcing that its midnight

Suddenly there was a loud banging on the front door

She got up, startled, nobody was supposed to be here at this ungodly hour

She checked her cellphone to see no signal, and her neighbors lights were off.

She picked up her pocketknife lying nearby, not having much faith in its capabilities

This will do for now.

She crept slowly below,  Raven Beatrice Rowland wasn’t scared of anyone

The banging had stopped and to her horror

She heard a click in the lock

She quickly hid behind the staircase, planning to run at the first opportunity she gets

The front door opened and soft footsteps were heard

” Raven!” The voice echoed

That voice, Raven Beatrice Rowland came out of her hiding

The lights were switched on

And there standing were her parents, who were supposed to arrive in a week.

In her mother’s hand was a big cake, and in her father’s were multi coloured balloons

” Happy Birthday Raven!” They said.

And Raven went to embrace them with joy.


-Niyati Parab