The old man

Tangent dreams of a merry world

gone by in a distant swirl

Old Man Painting Old Man Art Old Man PRINT Old Man on Bench - Art ...

reality has broken quite a few

fallen on grass like the morning dew

At night he goes to the mountain

and weeps like a flowing fountain

once he had it all

glory in bounty before his fall

Now alone he sits in the evenings

reminiscing his old beginnings

tending to old wounds

and feeding his hounds

They call him the old man

he is a grouch from Dec to Jan

cause little do they know

you reap what you sow.

-Niyati Parab

Melancholic Musing

Why do people hurt those closest to them?

They want to earn respect and be famous around strangers,

but often in that process become strangers to their own family.

they are at their best behaviour around strangers,

but showcase their worst to their near ones.

Why are we instead of gaining love of one’s own family,  out to get the love of people who at the end of the day have their own family and won’t care as much for you? and yet it is your family which will be worried if you’re cold or hungry. 

And all you do is drive them away with constant bombarding, only to long for them in the winter of your life.

It is indeed a sorrowful world we live in.
-Niyati Parab



Choose your words very carefully. ‘ Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will not hurt me’ , one has said this many times in one’s lifetime,  it is said because the words did actually hurt, to put up a brave front we use such quotes to protect and shield us. One must understand that rain grows flowers , not thunder. So hence choose your words carefully and wisely and show kindness to others. Even in conversation,  we throw loose words here and there without thinking, the other person remains unaffected by appearance but inside he’s hurting so hence it’s important to think twice before speaking. images (45)