A piece of the puzzle that doesn’t fit in

Emotions flow like gurgling streams

rushing through my veins like lucid dreams

I am forlorn in these thoughts of mine

Head empty and just living for the divine

Sometimes I feel nothing,

at the same time, I feel everything 

A piece of the puzzle that doesn’t fit in

Try as I might 

I easily lose sight 

Maybe it’s just me, maybe it’s everyone

maybe this is what we all feel

but try very hard and succeed to conceal

Sometimes the answers’ right there in front of me 

but yet its something I cannot see

Maybe some answers are not meant to be found

and to our fates, we are all bound

Someday the veil shall be lifted

and through this fog, reality will be sifted.

-Niyati Parab

Sometimes I wish for a guide

Sometimes I wish for a guide

Something by which I could abide

Something that told me whether I was wrong or right

Something that told me whether my future is dark or bright

Wouldn’t life be simpler?

If only it had a bit of structure

Sometimes it’s all too complicated

I wonder if my decisions are good or ill-fated?

Sometimes I wish to see in black and white

Then my thoughts wouldn’t have to frequently fight

Hence, I wish for a guide

Something by which I could abide.

-Niyati Parab


A new hope grows within

igniting the flames

dusted with gold

A blazing fire in the very pit of their souls

vanquishing the abysses of their dreams

the fallen shall rise again

A new today, a new tomorrow

a new feeling to bask and rejoice in

So rekindle your hope one and all

mend your broken spirits and conquer your fall

we are not done marching

and we never were

to move forward is our only aim, past the hail and past the storm.

-Niyati Parab

Rekindle your hope one and all, mend your broken spirits and conquer your fall

Check out my other poems below


Deep within we are the same

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the fiber of the same being

walking on life’s different lanes

all curious, all keen

Wanting to live our best lives

to be content, to be satisfied

to be protected from malice, deciet and lies

not to be burdened, not to be tied

Dreaming of a better tomorrow

of serene happy faces

sans any sorrow

peace and quiet in all places.

-Niyati Parab


Sometimes I wonder what my purpose is

I wonder indeed


is it to find myself or help people in need

but before I wonder and ponder deep

a notification takes away my attention

and I look at my phone to see what it has to say

and my musings are left for another day

-Niyati Parab


They say “have strength, carry on, move on from the past”.

The real question is, do we ever really move on? We don’t, all we do is mask our sufferings of the past with the joy the present brings. For is it really that easy to forget things which have affected one greatly, it takes ages to heal from those wounds and even when they are healing we have triggers, we want to be good, we want to heal, and we want to do good, but many who have strayed from the righteous path hinder our progress, they cannot see us become a better human while they live in misery, and why does this happen? This happens simply because they don’t have it in them to forgive, they cannot forgive others who have wronged them hence they cannot find peace in their heart and they carry on doing their responsibilities while carrying a turbulent storm in their hearts, and at some point, when they see somebody who shines they will ask themselves, what is it that this person has that I cannot? Why must he smile while I control my emotions so I don’t look weak, why is he strong? why is he confident? why can’t everyone else see the sufferings that I go through, why can’t I be happy? Thus, when they ask these questions their thoughts take a malicious turn, and they start asking why should he be happy? nobody deserves happiness while others are suffering, I am going through pain and yet God makes others live a better life, Why?! Thus, slowly and subconsciously they start subjecting these thoughts on others and start doing things that unknowingly to them ruins a person’s day, the victim cannot fathom it, he wonders why is this happening to him? I am a good person so why am I in the snake pit, and slowly that good person starts guarding himself and his sunshine is clouded by stormy clouds and a turbulent storm is in the making within his heart and thus this starts a chain reaction.

And this chain reaction will always continue, till one stops it, till one simply refuses to change themselves and give in to the malicious nature of those surrounding him, one needs to be able to forgive from within their hearts, to find true peace with others and themselves, I believe that’s the only way one will be able to live a better life and others around them will be able to do so too, even though it seems difficult and sometimes the rage feels uncontrollable, we must always be true to our ourselves.


-Niyati Parab

Daily Ruminations

While I walking to my class, observing the daily chaos, I noticed a bird at the bottom of a fence. The fence surrounded a playground and was covered with a green mesh windscreen. The bird hopped a little above the fence but still couldn’t fly over the fence and because of the green windscreen mesh it couldn’t even see what was ahead of it, it hopped yet again a little higher but still couldn’t fly over, then finally the bird flew all the way to the top of the fence and lo and behold, it finally flew over the fence.

We humans also face such similar situations in our life, we take flight to reach our goals but many times we are met with severe weather conditions where we lose our way and lose sight of our goals, in such times we must persevere, we must not lose hope however bleak the circumstances, we must keep flying and navigating with all our will till we reach our goals.

We must find a way to overcome the green windscreen in front of us and fly beyond the fence, all one has to do is believe in themselves.


-Niyati Parab


Melancholic Musing

Why do people hurt those closest to them?

They want to earn respect and be famous around strangers,

but often in that process become strangers to their own family.

they are at their best behaviour around strangers,

but showcase their worst to their near ones.

Why are we instead of gaining love of one’s own family,  out to get the love of people who at the end of the day have their own family and won’t care as much for you? and yet it is your family which will be worried if you’re cold or hungry. 

And all you do is drive them away with constant bombarding, only to long for them in the winter of your life.

It is indeed a sorrowful world we live in.
-Niyati Parab


Thunder rumbled

an old house trembled

the children in the house shivered with fear

a weak candle lit near

it started pouring

the thunder still roaring

the children snuggled deep into a blanket

watching the rain through a window which was tinted

as their mother read them a bedtime tale

about Willy the whale

the children soon fell into a deep slumber

the thunder turning into a fading rumble
-Niyati Parab

The rope

There’s a rope hanging over usRelated image

to prevent us from sinking in an ocean of darkness

Most of us assume that one must hold tight to the rope

and get pulled out by it

but that is where we are erroneous

in reality we have to climb the rope

The rope is there for you

but you must make the effort

you have to pull yourself out

The sooner you realize that

the faster you can ascend

towards a better future

which is waiting for you, up there in the light.

-Niyati Parab