
Sometimes I wonder what my purpose is

I wonder indeed


is it to find myself or help people in need

but before I wonder and ponder deep

a notification takes away my attention

and I look at my phone to see what it has to say

and my musings are left for another day

-Niyati Parab

Daily Ruminations

While I walking to my class, observing the daily chaos, I noticed a bird at the bottom of a fence. The fence surrounded a playground and was covered with a green mesh windscreen. The bird hopped a little above the fence but still couldn’t fly over the fence and because of the green windscreen mesh it couldn’t even see what was ahead of it, it hopped yet again a little higher but still couldn’t fly over, then finally the bird flew all the way to the top of the fence and lo and behold, it finally flew over the fence.

We humans also face such similar situations in our life, we take flight to reach our goals but many times we are met with severe weather conditions where we lose our way and lose sight of our goals, in such times we must persevere, we must not lose hope however bleak the circumstances, we must keep flying and navigating with all our will till we reach our goals.

We must find a way to overcome the green windscreen in front of us and fly beyond the fence, all one has to do is believe in themselves.


-Niyati Parab



Thunder rumbled

an old house trembled

the children in the house shivered with fear

a weak candle lit near

it started pouring

the thunder still roaring

the children snuggled deep into a blanket

watching the rain through a window which was tinted

as their mother read them a bedtime tale

about Willy the whale

the children soon fell into a deep slumber

the thunder turning into a fading rumble
-Niyati Parab



Choose your words very carefully. ‘ Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will not hurt me’ , one has said this many times in one’s lifetime,  it is said because the words did actually hurt, to put up a brave front we use such quotes to protect and shield us. One must understand that rain grows flowers , not thunder. So hence choose your words carefully and wisely and show kindness to others. Even in conversation,  we throw loose words here and there without thinking, the other person remains unaffected by appearance but inside he’s hurting so hence it’s important to think twice before speaking. images (45)