The task

The task was arduous

in some ways hazardous

the task was monumental

one could say even detrimental

but put on those shoes I must

my raincoat I readjust

the thunder didn’t phase me as much

as the thought of stepping in that mulch

Oh I wish I could stay indoor

going out seemed like a tiresome chore

but put on these boots I must

cause to these hunger pangs I must answer first

Like a fool I hadn’t stocked up on the groceries

If I had I wouldn’t have had such worries

So grabbing my bag I take a leave

A weary sigh I heave

As I trudge in the pouring rain

with every breath I battle the fierce terrain

Suddenly I stop, dead in my tracks, halfway to my destination

A thought crosses my mind, hit with a sudden realisation

I had taken all, but

I had forgotten my wallet.

-Niyati Parab

Art created by Hazel

( the artist’s website )

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Laurels of the past

Laurels of glory

knew not their folly

of raising a man

who with the passage of time becomes vainer

A cry for help from a grieving soul

when they were bestowed he was but a young foal

with ego his poor soul had become as black as coal

he thought he could own everyone

the ones who could defy him? hah! to him there were none

he was his parents pride and joy

since he was a wee boy

but all their love couldn’t have told

that this boy’s tale was one of woe

because he was unaware of this world

that would leave him aghast

for little did this boy know

that one cannot rest on the laurels of the past.

-Niyati Parab

One cannot rest on the laurels of the past

Check out my other posts


The tears flow

everytime I let myself go

It’s always going to follow me

It’s never going to just let me be

clouds of rain cover me

through the storm it gets hard to see

I find myself drowning again

I feel like a tragedienne

but inspite of all of this

I have a few

some of them who are new

thanks to them hope rises from within

they give me the strength to begin

a journey from the scratch

and from this recurring darkness I will detach

and someday set myself free.

– Niyati Parab

From this recurring darkness I will detach, and someday set myself free.

Check out my other posts below

The old man

Tangent dreams of a merry world

gone by in a distant swirl

Old Man Painting Old Man Art Old Man PRINT Old Man on Bench - Art ...

reality has broken quite a few

fallen on grass like the morning dew

At night he goes to the mountain

and weeps like a flowing fountain

once he had it all

glory in bounty before his fall

Now alone he sits in the evenings

reminiscing his old beginnings

tending to old wounds

and feeding his hounds

They call him the old man

he is a grouch from Dec to Jan

cause little do they know

you reap what you sow.

-Niyati Parab

Our Soldiers- Our Pride

Fallen soldiers rise

5 ways in which you can donate to Indian Army

in battle you hear their cries

brave is their heart

for their country everything is worth

they never back down

always march ahead without a frown

their spirits high

even though they never know which day could be their last goodbye.

-Niyati Parab

Catherine the scorned

Ocean breeze swept her hair

her gestures are of creative flairÉpinglé sur RPG NPC

fallen angels sang her name

but their voices fell on deaf ears in vain

fading hues adorned her clothes

encircling her heart were tragic woes

vowing to take revenge

she has become a heartless wench

her heart an empty casket

her sorrow; she no longer can mask it.

-Niyati Parab


Sometimes I wonder what my purpose is

I wonder indeed


is it to find myself or help people in need

but before I wonder and ponder deep

a notification takes away my attention

and I look at my phone to see what it has to say

and my musings are left for another day

-Niyati Parab


They say “have strength, carry on, move on from the past”.

The real question is, do we ever really move on? We don’t, all we do is mask our sufferings of the past with the joy the present brings. For is it really that easy to forget things which have affected one greatly, it takes ages to heal from those wounds and even when they are healing we have triggers, we want to be good, we want to heal, and we want to do good, but many who have strayed from the righteous path hinder our progress, they cannot see us become a better human while they live in misery, and why does this happen? This happens simply because they don’t have it in them to forgive, they cannot forgive others who have wronged them hence they cannot find peace in their heart and they carry on doing their responsibilities while carrying a turbulent storm in their hearts, and at some point, when they see somebody who shines they will ask themselves, what is it that this person has that I cannot? Why must he smile while I control my emotions so I don’t look weak, why is he strong? why is he confident? why can’t everyone else see the sufferings that I go through, why can’t I be happy? Thus, when they ask these questions their thoughts take a malicious turn, and they start asking why should he be happy? nobody deserves happiness while others are suffering, I am going through pain and yet God makes others live a better life, Why?! Thus, slowly and subconsciously they start subjecting these thoughts on others and start doing things that unknowingly to them ruins a person’s day, the victim cannot fathom it, he wonders why is this happening to him? I am a good person so why am I in the snake pit, and slowly that good person starts guarding himself and his sunshine is clouded by stormy clouds and a turbulent storm is in the making within his heart and thus this starts a chain reaction.

And this chain reaction will always continue, till one stops it, till one simply refuses to change themselves and give in to the malicious nature of those surrounding him, one needs to be able to forgive from within their hearts, to find true peace with others and themselves, I believe that’s the only way one will be able to live a better life and others around them will be able to do so too, even though it seems difficult and sometimes the rage feels uncontrollable, we must always be true to our ourselves.


-Niyati Parab

Daily Ruminations

While I walking to my class, observing the daily chaos, I noticed a bird at the bottom of a fence. The fence surrounded a playground and was covered with a green mesh windscreen. The bird hopped a little above the fence but still couldn’t fly over the fence and because of the green windscreen mesh it couldn’t even see what was ahead of it, it hopped yet again a little higher but still couldn’t fly over, then finally the bird flew all the way to the top of the fence and lo and behold, it finally flew over the fence.

We humans also face such similar situations in our life, we take flight to reach our goals but many times we are met with severe weather conditions where we lose our way and lose sight of our goals, in such times we must persevere, we must not lose hope however bleak the circumstances, we must keep flying and navigating with all our will till we reach our goals.

We must find a way to overcome the green windscreen in front of us and fly beyond the fence, all one has to do is believe in themselves.


-Niyati Parab



Thunder rumbled

an old house trembled

the children in the house shivered with fear

a weak candle lit near

it started pouring

the thunder still roaring

the children snuggled deep into a blanket

watching the rain through a window which was tinted

as their mother read them a bedtime tale

about Willy the whale

the children soon fell into a deep slumber

the thunder turning into a fading rumble
-Niyati Parab