The task

The task was arduous

in some ways hazardous

the task was monumental

one could say even detrimental

but put on those shoes I must

my raincoat I readjust

the thunder didn’t phase me as much

as the thought of stepping in that mulch

Oh I wish I could stay indoor

going out seemed like a tiresome chore

but put on these boots I must

cause to these hunger pangs I must answer first

Like a fool I hadn’t stocked up on the groceries

If I had I wouldn’t have had such worries

So grabbing my bag I take a leave

A weary sigh I heave

As I trudge in the pouring rain

with every breath I battle the fierce terrain

Suddenly I stop, dead in my tracks, halfway to my destination

A thought crosses my mind, hit with a sudden realisation

I had taken all, but

I had forgotten my wallet.

-Niyati Parab

Art created by Hazel

( the artist’s website )

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The old man

Tangent dreams of a merry world

gone by in a distant swirl

Old Man Painting Old Man Art Old Man PRINT Old Man on Bench - Art ...

reality has broken quite a few

fallen on grass like the morning dew

At night he goes to the mountain

and weeps like a flowing fountain

once he had it all

glory in bounty before his fall

Now alone he sits in the evenings

reminiscing his old beginnings

tending to old wounds

and feeding his hounds

They call him the old man

he is a grouch from Dec to Jan

cause little do they know

you reap what you sow.

-Niyati Parab


Thunder rumbled

an old house trembled

the children in the house shivered with fear

a weak candle lit near

it started pouring

the thunder still roaring

the children snuggled deep into a blanket

watching the rain through a window which was tinted

as their mother read them a bedtime tale

about Willy the whale

the children soon fell into a deep slumber

the thunder turning into a fading rumble
-Niyati Parab