A new hope grows within

igniting the flames

dusted with gold

A blazing fire in the very pit of their souls

vanquishing the abysses of their dreams

the fallen shall rise again

A new today, a new tomorrow

a new feeling to bask and rejoice in

So rekindle your hope one and all

mend your broken spirits and conquer your fall

we are not done marching

and we never were

to move forward is our only aim, past the hail and past the storm.

-Niyati Parab

Rekindle your hope one and all, mend your broken spirits and conquer your fall

Check out my other poems below

Laurels of the past

Laurels of glory

knew not their folly

of raising a man

who with the passage of time becomes vainer

A cry for help from a grieving soul

when they were bestowed he was but a young foal

with ego his poor soul had become as black as coal

he thought he could own everyone

the ones who could defy him? hah! to him there were none

he was his parents pride and joy

since he was a wee boy

but all their love couldn’t have told

that this boy’s tale was one of woe

because he was unaware of this world

that would leave him aghast

for little did this boy know

that one cannot rest on the laurels of the past.

-Niyati Parab

One cannot rest on the laurels of the past

Check out my other posts


Deep within we are the same

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the fiber of the same being

walking on life’s different lanes

all curious, all keen

Wanting to live our best lives

to be content, to be satisfied

to be protected from malice, deciet and lies

not to be burdened, not to be tied

Dreaming of a better tomorrow

of serene happy faces

sans any sorrow

peace and quiet in all places.

-Niyati Parab

Our Soldiers- Our Pride

Fallen soldiers rise

5 ways in which you can donate to Indian Army

in battle you hear their cries

brave is their heart

for their country everything is worth

they never back down

always march ahead without a frown

their spirits high

even though they never know which day could be their last goodbye.

-Niyati Parab


They say “have strength, carry on, move on from the past”.

The real question is, do we ever really move on? We don’t, all we do is mask our sufferings of the past with the joy the present brings. For is it really that easy to forget things which have affected one greatly, it takes ages to heal from those wounds and even when they are healing we have triggers, we want to be good, we want to heal, and we want to do good, but many who have strayed from the righteous path hinder our progress, they cannot see us become a better human while they live in misery, and why does this happen? This happens simply because they don’t have it in them to forgive, they cannot forgive others who have wronged them hence they cannot find peace in their heart and they carry on doing their responsibilities while carrying a turbulent storm in their hearts, and at some point, when they see somebody who shines they will ask themselves, what is it that this person has that I cannot? Why must he smile while I control my emotions so I don’t look weak, why is he strong? why is he confident? why can’t everyone else see the sufferings that I go through, why can’t I be happy? Thus, when they ask these questions their thoughts take a malicious turn, and they start asking why should he be happy? nobody deserves happiness while others are suffering, I am going through pain and yet God makes others live a better life, Why?! Thus, slowly and subconsciously they start subjecting these thoughts on others and start doing things that unknowingly to them ruins a person’s day, the victim cannot fathom it, he wonders why is this happening to him? I am a good person so why am I in the snake pit, and slowly that good person starts guarding himself and his sunshine is clouded by stormy clouds and a turbulent storm is in the making within his heart and thus this starts a chain reaction.

And this chain reaction will always continue, till one stops it, till one simply refuses to change themselves and give in to the malicious nature of those surrounding him, one needs to be able to forgive from within their hearts, to find true peace with others and themselves, I believe that’s the only way one will be able to live a better life and others around them will be able to do so too, even though it seems difficult and sometimes the rage feels uncontrollable, we must always be true to our ourselves.


-Niyati Parab

Questions I ask myself

One day, a man found himself thinking, 

What is my purpose in life?” 

“Was I just created to exist and live by the rules forced upon me? ” or

“Am I to be manipulated into thinking that money is everything in life and without it I cannot achieve my dreams.”

And “can I even dare to dream in a world overrun by rapacity and hate?”

“What can I?, a tiny speck in billions do to make the world a better place?”

The answers that came to him were surprisingly simple,

They were,

His purpose is to coexist peacefully among his fellow human beings and not to belittle the unfortunate and neither should he praise the wicked. 

Yes, money does help one achieve their dreams but it not everything. As long as one can find peace and happiness in little things they do, they can live a content and a fulfilling life.

Rapacity and hate will exist in the world but change starts with one man, one has to believe in the good of humanity and one should not give in to the vices that often threaten to consume us.

I can change the world by first changing myself, I can start influencing other people’s lives for the better by being a positive example in society, by performing kind deeds, by not indulging in execrable thoughts about a fellow human being, by accepting every individual for who they are, by not judging people because they are different, by measuring my words before I speak and I will patiently wait for the day when the world shall become a kinder, nicer, radiant and a sublime place to live.

-Niyati Parab

The rope

There’s a rope hanging over usRelated image

to prevent us from sinking in an ocean of darkness

Most of us assume that one must hold tight to the rope

and get pulled out by it

but that is where we are erroneous

in reality we have to climb the rope

The rope is there for you

but you must make the effort

you have to pull yourself out

The sooner you realize that

the faster you can ascend

towards a better future

which is waiting for you, up there in the light.

-Niyati Parab



Image result for praying on your knees

We feel a yearning for things we cannot have

A yearning for love we cannot receive

A yearning for cars we cannot buy

A yearning for places we cannot visit

But in all this yearning

We forget the most important thing,


Gratitude towards the people who love us

Gratitude to the transport that takes us to the place we want

And gratitude for the roof we have over our heads.

-Niyati Parab



Choose your words very carefully. ‘ Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will not hurt me’ , one has said this many times in one’s lifetime,  it is said because the words did actually hurt, to put up a brave front we use such quotes to protect and shield us. One must understand that rain grows flowers , not thunder. So hence choose your words carefully and wisely and show kindness to others. Even in conversation,  we throw loose words here and there without thinking, the other person remains unaffected by appearance but inside he’s hurting so hence it’s important to think twice before speaking. images (45)