Love & Pain

Why do we love the ones that hurt us?

Why is it so hard to leave?

Haven’t we learnt our lessons in pain?

Knowing fully well, we have nothing to gain.

For some love is simple, for some it’s complicated

For some it’s a miracle, for some it’s ill fated

For some it’s freedom, for some it’s a cage

For some, it ends quickly, for some in old age

They say we are too young to love

But is it because of age or the wrong one we chose?

For in love there is only one key

If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.

-Niyati Parab

Catherine the scorned

Ocean breeze swept her hair

her gestures are of creative flairÉpinglé sur RPG NPC

fallen angels sang her name

but their voices fell on deaf ears in vain

fading hues adorned her clothes

encircling her heart were tragic woes

vowing to take revenge

she has become a heartless wench

her heart an empty casket

her sorrow; she no longer can mask it.

-Niyati Parab



Choose your words very carefully. ‘ Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will not hurt me’ , one has said this many times in one’s lifetime,  it is said because the words did actually hurt, to put up a brave front we use such quotes to protect and shield us. One must understand that rain grows flowers , not thunder. So hence choose your words carefully and wisely and show kindness to others. Even in conversation,  we throw loose words here and there without thinking, the other person remains unaffected by appearance but inside he’s hurting so hence it’s important to think twice before speaking. images (45)