Questions I ask myself

One day, a man found himself thinking, 

What is my purpose in life?” 

“Was I just created to exist and live by the rules forced upon me? ” or

“Am I to be manipulated into thinking that money is everything in life and without it I cannot achieve my dreams.”

And “can I even dare to dream in a world overrun by rapacity and hate?”

“What can I?, a tiny speck in billions do to make the world a better place?”

The answers that came to him were surprisingly simple,

They were,

His purpose is to coexist peacefully among his fellow human beings and not to belittle the unfortunate and neither should he praise the wicked. 

Yes, money does help one achieve their dreams but it not everything. As long as one can find peace and happiness in little things they do, they can live a content and a fulfilling life.

Rapacity and hate will exist in the world but change starts with one man, one has to believe in the good of humanity and one should not give in to the vices that often threaten to consume us.

I can change the world by first changing myself, I can start influencing other people’s lives for the better by being a positive example in society, by performing kind deeds, by not indulging in execrable thoughts about a fellow human being, by accepting every individual for who they are, by not judging people because they are different, by measuring my words before I speak and I will patiently wait for the day when the world shall become a kinder, nicer, radiant and a sublime place to live.

-Niyati Parab

The rope

There’s a rope hanging over usRelated image

to prevent us from sinking in an ocean of darkness

Most of us assume that one must hold tight to the rope

and get pulled out by it

but that is where we are erroneous

in reality we have to climb the rope

The rope is there for you

but you must make the effort

you have to pull yourself out

The sooner you realize that

the faster you can ascend

towards a better future

which is waiting for you, up there in the light.

-Niyati Parab



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As I was walking down the street

I observed the people around me

All of them peering at their phones

My own had about a 100 texts

Which were begging for attention

I wondered then,

Whether I had lost myself somewhere

In the constant cycle of social media

And overlooked the sublime world that surrounds me.

-Niyati Parab

Cracks in the heart

When you throw an object in angerImage result for heart with cracks

Like for example, a mug

It doesn’t break

But receives a couple of cracks

People you love are like this mug

If you abuse them, yes they will probably come back to you

But with cracks in their heart

So choose your words carefully, control your anger and

be a level-headed individual


-Niyati Parab



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We feel a yearning for things we cannot have

A yearning for love we cannot receive

A yearning for cars we cannot buy

A yearning for places we cannot visit

But in all this yearning

We forget the most important thing,


Gratitude towards the people who love us

Gratitude to the transport that takes us to the place we want

And gratitude for the roof we have over our heads.

-Niyati Parab