A new hope grows within

igniting the flames

dusted with gold

A blazing fire in the very pit of their souls

vanquishing the abysses of their dreams

the fallen shall rise again

A new today, a new tomorrow

a new feeling to bask and rejoice in

So rekindle your hope one and all

mend your broken spirits and conquer your fall

we are not done marching

and we never were

to move forward is our only aim, past the hail and past the storm.

-Niyati Parab

Rekindle your hope one and all, mend your broken spirits and conquer your fall

Check out my other poems below

An Odyssey

I step out and see

a mass but not really one

anxious of what might be

all of us swirling in a big cauldron

the slightest touch makes us slip away

towards nothing, away from them

be it night or be it day

the news is riddled with mayhem

I pray for those who have fallen prey

those who couldn’t get through

those who in these times have lost their way

and those who are feeling that everyday blue

But somehow we must carry on

keep our strength and move past

the world we knew has gone

but we must hold on to our sinking ship’s mast.

-Niyati Parab.