A piece of the puzzle that doesn’t fit in

Emotions flow like gurgling streams

rushing through my veins like lucid dreams

I am forlorn in these thoughts of mine

Head empty and just living for the divine

Sometimes I feel nothing,

at the same time, I feel everything 

A piece of the puzzle that doesn’t fit in

Try as I might 

I easily lose sight 

Maybe it’s just me, maybe it’s everyone

maybe this is what we all feel

but try very hard and succeed to conceal

Sometimes the answers’ right there in front of me 

but yet its something I cannot see

Maybe some answers are not meant to be found

and to our fates, we are all bound

Someday the veil shall be lifted

and through this fog, reality will be sifted.

-Niyati Parab

Sometimes I wish for a guide

Sometimes I wish for a guide

Something by which I could abide

Something that told me whether I was wrong or right

Something that told me whether my future is dark or bright

Wouldn’t life be simpler?

If only it had a bit of structure

Sometimes it’s all too complicated

I wonder if my decisions are good or ill-fated?

Sometimes I wish to see in black and white

Then my thoughts wouldn’t have to frequently fight

Hence, I wish for a guide

Something by which I could abide.

-Niyati Parab

Love & Pain

Why do we love the ones that hurt us?

Why is it so hard to leave?

Haven’t we learnt our lessons in pain?

Knowing fully well, we have nothing to gain.

For some love is simple, for some it’s complicated

For some it’s a miracle, for some it’s ill fated

For some it’s freedom, for some it’s a cage

For some, it ends quickly, for some in old age

They say we are too young to love

But is it because of age or the wrong one we chose?

For in love there is only one key

If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.

-Niyati Parab

Lessons in Opposites

We weigh our options in pros and cons

We wonder whether they are right or wrong

We all experience ups and downs

Our faces filled with smiles and frowns

But what if I were to tell you life isn’t black or white

That it is okay to love and lose

You cannot always determine what’s left or right

Sometimes you will be stuck between the dark and light

Whether you are a man or woman

We all have a beginning and end

So just trust yourself within and without

Embrace the slience and the noise

-Niyati Parab

Blue Expanse

As I walked home from an afternoon class, dripping in buckets of sweats, I merely glanced up for a second and I was struck by the beauty of nature; clear blue skies stretching as far as the eye could see.
One reason I love the skies is that they are the same for everyone; the rich and the poor and nobody can own them. When I look at them my worries and stresses are momentarily forgotten and my mind becomes fresher and clearer.
Recently I downloaded a meditation app, where they gave the example of the mind as the sky and the clouds as the thoughts. Hence, only by our positive thoughts can we steer away from the negative ones and pave the way for clear blue skies.

-Niyati Parab

We owe the planet

The planet Earth sustains us
Even though we defile it with chemicals
And manmade disasters
It rallies up and takes care of us
We owe the planet
We are temporary
We are in passing
But the soil we live on is perennial
And we share it with other organisms
So it is our duty to respect it
And sustain it back
For the future generations
And as soldiers of a better humanity 

Niyati Parab

Image credit: Adobe Stock/Alexandr Bakanov

We are in passing but the soil we live on is perennial


A new hope grows within

igniting the flames

dusted with gold

A blazing fire in the very pit of their souls

vanquishing the abysses of their dreams

the fallen shall rise again

A new today, a new tomorrow

a new feeling to bask and rejoice in

So rekindle your hope one and all

mend your broken spirits and conquer your fall

we are not done marching

and we never were

to move forward is our only aim, past the hail and past the storm.

-Niyati Parab

Rekindle your hope one and all, mend your broken spirits and conquer your fall

Check out my other poems below

The task

The task was arduous

in some ways hazardous

the task was monumental

one could say even detrimental

but put on those shoes I must

my raincoat I readjust

the thunder didn’t phase me as much

as the thought of stepping in that mulch

Oh I wish I could stay indoor

going out seemed like a tiresome chore

but put on these boots I must

cause to these hunger pangs I must answer first

Like a fool I hadn’t stocked up on the groceries

If I had I wouldn’t have had such worries

So grabbing my bag I take a leave

A weary sigh I heave

As I trudge in the pouring rain

with every breath I battle the fierce terrain

Suddenly I stop, dead in my tracks, halfway to my destination

A thought crosses my mind, hit with a sudden realisation

I had taken all, but

I had forgotten my wallet.

-Niyati Parab

Art created by Hazel

( the artist’s website https://hazeletpari.wixsite.com/hazelopines )

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