The task

The task was arduous

in some ways hazardous

the task was monumental

one could say even detrimental

but put on those shoes I must

my raincoat I readjust

the thunder didn’t phase me as much

as the thought of stepping in that mulch

Oh I wish I could stay indoor

going out seemed like a tiresome chore

but put on these boots I must

cause to these hunger pangs I must answer first

Like a fool I hadn’t stocked up on the groceries

If I had I wouldn’t have had such worries

So grabbing my bag I take a leave

A weary sigh I heave

As I trudge in the pouring rain

with every breath I battle the fierce terrain

Suddenly I stop, dead in my tracks, halfway to my destination

A thought crosses my mind, hit with a sudden realisation

I had taken all, but

I had forgotten my wallet.

-Niyati Parab

Art created by Hazel

( the artist’s website )

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Laurels of the past

Laurels of glory

knew not their folly

of raising a man

who with the passage of time becomes vainer

A cry for help from a grieving soul

when they were bestowed he was but a young foal

with ego his poor soul had become as black as coal

he thought he could own everyone

the ones who could defy him? hah! to him there were none

he was his parents pride and joy

since he was a wee boy

but all their love couldn’t have told

that this boy’s tale was one of woe

because he was unaware of this world

that would leave him aghast

for little did this boy know

that one cannot rest on the laurels of the past.

-Niyati Parab

One cannot rest on the laurels of the past

Check out my other posts


The tears flow

everytime I let myself go

It’s always going to follow me

It’s never going to just let me be

clouds of rain cover me

through the storm it gets hard to see

I find myself drowning again

I feel like a tragedienne

but inspite of all of this

I have a few

some of them who are new

thanks to them hope rises from within

they give me the strength to begin

a journey from the scratch

and from this recurring darkness I will detach

and someday set myself free.

– Niyati Parab

From this recurring darkness I will detach, and someday set myself free.

Check out my other posts below