The rope

There’s a rope hanging over usRelated image

to prevent us from sinking in an ocean of darkness

Most of us assume that one must hold tight to the rope

and get pulled out by it

but that is where we are erroneous

in reality we have to climb the rope

The rope is there for you

but you must make the effort

you have to pull yourself out

The sooner you realize that

the faster you can ascend

towards a better future

which is waiting for you, up there in the light.

-Niyati Parab



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As I was walking down the street

I observed the people around me

All of them peering at their phones

My own had about a 100 texts

Which were begging for attention

I wondered then,

Whether I had lost myself somewhere

In the constant cycle of social media

And overlooked the sublime world that surrounds me.

-Niyati Parab