Singin in the Rain



I am singin in the rain

     just singin in the rain

          what a glorious feeling

                    I am happy again !!

The above lines are from the song Singin in the Rain from the timeless Hollywood musical by the same name which is charming enough to cheer up even the most grumpiest of folks around! It’s a musical which I would place  under the category of  “sunshine flick” why ? simply because it has an effect on you similar to sunshine – it drives  your blues away and lifts your spirits up ! 🙂

With a star-studded cast comprising  Gene Kelly , Debbie Reynolds and Donald ‘O Connor its a spoof on the difficulty faced by movie makers and actors in the transitionary phase of cinema from, silent films to the talkies also there are some spectacular dance moves and melodious songs like ‘good morning’ and  ‘beautiful…

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Choose your words very carefully. ‘ Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will not hurt me’ , one has said this many times in one’s lifetime,  it is said because the words did actually hurt, to put up a brave front we use such quotes to protect and shield us. One must understand that rain grows flowers , not thunder. So hence choose your words carefully and wisely and show kindness to others. Even in conversation,  we throw loose words here and there without thinking, the other person remains unaffected by appearance but inside he’s hurting so hence it’s important to think twice before speaking. images (45)