Music Review : upTown funk!

upTown Funk! is a song recorded by English producer Mark Ronson, with guest vocals by American recording artist, Bruno Mars. It was released on 10th November, 2014 and created quite a sensation. The number one boy band One Direction member Liam Payne and 5 Seconds Of Summer member Michael Clifford even tweeted about how this song is their Jam. On their current tour OTRA One Direction even performed a cover of the song. The speciality of this song is that its got a really “funky” beat and catchy lyrics which gets one hooked in seconds. Uptown Funk is like the next Call me maybe and Thrift Shop which created a phenomenon when they were released. The best aspect of this song is that its pleasing to the ears for all age groups. Every body who has an ear for good beats should download this song.

 Happy Listening !
